Verkaufsverbot [BACH-DE063]

Artikelnummer: BACH-DE063

4,99 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tag(e)


Verkaufsverbot [BACH-DE063]

Sales Ban

Rarität: Secret Rare

Nummer: 063

Sprache: Deutsch

1. Auflage

Erschienen in Battle of Chaos


Declare 1 card name; for the rest of this turn, your opponent cannot activate cards, or the effects of cards, with the same original name as that declared card. The same restrictions apply to you, but for the rest of this Duel instead of just this turn. You can only activate 1 "Sales Ban" per turn.

Hersteller:Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.1-11-1, Ginza104-0061 TokyoChuo-kuJapan
Verantwortlicher Wirtschaftsakteur in der EU:Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. GermanyKölner Straße 1265760 EschbornGermany
+ 49 6196 777 05 - 0