Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of the Elementals Booster (englisch)

Artikelnummer: 4012927946855-02

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of the Elementals Booster (englisch)

Ein Yugioh Power of the Elementals Booster englisch enthält:

Jede Packung enthält 9 Karten in der englischen Erstauflage. Es handelt sich um original verschweißte Neuware von Konami.

Zum Verkauf steht hier ein einzelnes zufällig gewähltes Booster aus Power of the Elementals.

Hier gehts zum Display: Power of the Elementals Display

Unleash the Power of the Elements this summer! This 100-card set is the latest core booster for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG). Unearth multiple brand-new strategies and discover new cards for beloved themes like “Elemental HERO” from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX! Whether you are looking to improve the Deck you already have or try out new and unique strategies, Power of the Elements has something for everyone! Here is just some of what to expect:

• Brand-new cards that will help you Summon powerful “Elemental HERO” Fusion Monsters easily while utilizing Jaden Yuki’s ace monster Elemental HERO Neos!• Confound the competition with a new EARTH Fairy-Type theme that excels at recruiting the best and brightest EARTH monsters with strategies from the past!• More cards for strategies introduced in previous and upcoming sets including The Grand Creators, Dimension Force, and more!• A brand-new World Premiere theme focusing on an unexpected Type of monster!• And more!
A complete line of “Elemental HERO” accessories will also launch alongside this booster set!
The Power of the Elements booster set contains 100 new cards:50 Commons26 Super Rares14 Ultra Rares10 Secret Rares

Englische Ausgabe - NEU & OVP - 1.Auflage

Hersteller:Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.1-11-1, Ginza104-0061 TokyoChuo-kuJapan
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